#anyway 2 weeks until my bday .. YIKES !
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tetzoro · 1 year ago
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years ago
Flower Boy!Jeonghan
Requested by anon: Flower boy Jeonghan!!  
HEY HEY HEY GUESS WHO FINALLY PICKED UP THE SLACK AND WROTE THIS AFTER AN ENTIRE WEEK OF PROMISING TO :))) I’m so sorry yall this was supposed to be part of Jeonghan’s bday present but rip!!! THANKS TO @kakaotaeks FOR HELPING ME OUT WITH THIS!! who knows where this would be if i didn’t use the flower boy cafe au yIKES!! happy belated bday my angel + devil!! happy reading my children!!!
warnings: i still have 1 last super angsty piece for jeonghan, so i tried to make this p fluffy :))) and who knows when i’ll even finish that piece so :))) hang on tight to this fluff while you can! and also jeonghan is a cheesy goofball who’s bad at literature
This was originally gonna be Florist!Jeonghan but thank the heavens y’all don’t have to read the lame idea I had before elena came up w this
Shoutout to my b!!!
You’re in your usual literature class lecture hall and you’re sitting a few rows behind,,,,
The one and only, Yoon Jeonghan
Campus heartthrob
With looks like that though??? Can scREW ME UP
You’re staring at the back of his fluffy blonde locks as he studiously scribbles down his notes in his beaten torn notebook
Every time you try to refocus on the professor, your eyes just drift back to his short hair that looks a little too tempting to run your fingers through
By the time you prep yourself to focus on taking notes for the twentieth time that hour, everyone is packing their things and you’re like n OO OO NOT AGAIN
“Let me guess: Jeonghan?” Your friend nonchalantly brings up as they’re stuffing their folder in their bag
You sigh and get up to pack your things along
“I don’t even know why he’s so distracting… just something about him”
They’re shaking their head and smile knowingly bc it’s just so damn oBV I O US WHY
“You know that hot cafe that just opened everyone’s been raving about?”
“The Diamond? What about it?”
They smile even wider and are like, “do you know who got a job as a cute waiter?”
“,,,,,,,,,,,,What are you trying to say”
“Maybe you can finally get that number you’re always babbling about?”
And you’re like oh my god pl S STop but you’re right tho :/
You finally have some time off from your schedule to swing by the cafe down a few blocks from your dorm
You’re out on a lovely Saturday morning stroll and the strong scent of coffee beans wafts out into the streets
The cafe has only been open for an hour but there’s already a huge line
And if it weren’t for your curiosity, you would have just been like Gotta Go Fast
But you figured you would do yourself a favor and begrudgingly hold it out in the line that extends to almost the end of the street
Think of this as a cafe version of Ouran!!
Except add 7 more (excluding haruhi bc you take the protagonist’s place)
The cafe is so full that it makes you wait for the servers to take you to a table like in restaurants so it’s THAT big
No matter what time of day it is, it’s always co m ple te l y paCKED
8am when it just opens? Looks like a concert venue
Half an hour until closing time? All the tables are entirely occupied
It’s predominantly females but evEN GUYS SWOON i mean who wouldn’t tho???? When you have 13 pieces of f I N E????
Anyways when you finally reach the front of the line after 38 years, you’re like finALLY MY LEGS :((
And the bubbly little host is dressed in actual 5-star restaurant attire and he’s looking back at you like :DDDDD!!!!!!!!!! And you’re like :ooooo!!!!! :DDDDD!!!! What a cutie pie!!!!!!!
“Hello, and welcome to The Diamond! I’m Chan, your host, and I’ll be your go-to if your main server is unavailable! We’re currently waiting for a table to open up, so please be patient!” he perfectly recites and you’re just like clutching your heart bc of hoW CUTE HE IS!!!
Around 10 minutes pass and he’s notified that a table has been opened and you’re like okay,,,, this is it. This is where My Life Changes
He leads you to a cute little corner that gives you a nice little window view of the bustling streets
He gives you a menu once you’re seated and he’s like, “Okay, this is where I take off!!! Your main server will be with you shortly! If you need anything, just tap on this little bell!”
As he scurries away you’re just like :(((( why can’t you be my waiter flfjdldfskj wait I’m here for Jeonghan!!
You’re browsing through the menu and you’re appreciating all the aesthetics from the tableware to the graphics on the menu
You hear how the other waiters interact with their supporters customers as you’re waiting for yours and you could have sworn you heard Jeonghan’s name floating around
“What’s the special for today?”
“It’s the double chocolate cheesecake, honey~~”
*SCREAMS* me 2
His favorite pet name to call his supporters customers is “honey” uM IM WEAK B YE
And people seem to be ordering devil’s food cake a lot what a coincidence lmAO
A few minutes pass and you feel a presence nearing you and you casually brush it off as just a waiter passing by but oh boy!!!
“Hi honey~ What can I get you for today -- wait, Y/N?”
You’re about to chOKE ON YOUR SPIT
You look up from the desserts page and see the face that you’ve been mustering up the courage to talk to for months
“J-Jeonghan! I didn’t know you worked here!” the classic sentence starter
He lets out a small laugh in disbelief and you’re like aaaAAAA SO CUTE ST O P I T THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR MY HEART
“I haven’t seen you around here before. Is this your first time today?”
And you’re lowkey highkey blushing bc he,,,, noticed you?????
“Yeah,,,, it is,,,,,,, what do you recommend?”
He hums in thought and turns back to you, “We have the Devil’s food cake that seems to be really popular whenever I serve customers for some reason,” he chuckles and he grins that angelic yet mischievous smile
And you’re like huh :))) I :))) wonder :))) why :)))
You tell him you’ll try it out with a latte and give him the menu as he elegantly exits and leaves your heart painfully wanting to leap out of your chest
Some time passes and you’re taking in the decor and the view of the streets when he returns promptly with your food and drink
“Here you go, Y/N :)” he smiles and gently places the plates down in front of you
But honestly all you’re focusing on is how clOSE his face is when he did that
Do you imagine him to smell really nice?? Bc he probably smells like clean laundry and just fRESH AND SOFT AND--
Little did you know his little fleeting glances at you to check your reaction of the mouthwatering sights in front of you!!!
Am i talking about the food or am I talking about Jeonghan always looking like a meal???? Guess we’ll never know
He nervously giggles and runs his fingers through his hair and you can’t help but to eye his movements bc,,,, those luscious locks,,,,
He’s like well!!! Try it!!! And you’re like ughsldgkdglh in front of you??? Right now????
He doesn’t seem to be budging anytime soon so you’re like rip ok guess so
You take your first bite and your eyes are about to bulge out of your sockets bc how in the name of the heavens can chocolate cake bE SO!!!!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! (spoiler alert: it is)
You’re looking back at him with widened eyes and a chocolate caked mouth as you’re mumbling,” ish sho gud!!”
And he’s like lmAO YOU’RE SO CUTE-- I mean,, yes,,, yes it is
And he gestures at your mouth and says “you have a little something uh,,,, everywhere LOL” and you’re like lsdjdfljd oh god i wanna dig up a hole and bury myself forever!!! And you hastily grab the napkin and wipe the chocolate crumbs off
And you two are so off in your own little world that both of you fail to notice the attention the other customers are directing towards you
Because Jeonghan nEVER, and I mean NE V ER, acts that naturally to a customer
It’s all a bunch of his favorite pet name, “honey,” and some winking tossed in his light flirting
But laughing? Having a really good time? Acting like friends? Joking? Not once!!!
And everyone is like Who Are You And Tell Me Your Secrets
He strikes up a conversation with you so easily and you’re so taken aback bc why would he be talking to an invisible soul like yours??? What’s happening with the world???
“Did you ever get the project turned in?”
And you’re really confused like,,,,, yes??? What???
And he sheepishly smiles, his ears a little red iM YODELING
“I just,,, overheard you worry about how much your partner was slacking off when you were talking to your friend that day,,,, that really sucks :(“
And you’re just like o H!!! Omg
“It’s all taken care of, don’t worry!!! At least i hope so,” you mutter
And you can feel his hesitance and you’re like ???? what is it??
“Maybe you need a new partner for a change? Our professor mentioned our next project can have us choose our own partners,,,, and you seem to be really good at this class,,,,,”
And you wanna laUGH bc you’re literally just there to stare at the back of his head
But he’s like you always know the answers whenever she calls on you????
“It doesn’t take a genius to know what the types of irony are, Jeonghan”
And you’re like,,,, do you need a tutor???
He lights up and his cheeks are stained a light pink aND IM CRYING IN THE CLUB
“yES! I mean, yes. Yes. Please. Here, I’ll give you my number”
What you say: Oh, sure!
You both do a number exchange and literally everyone in that cafe is just on the floor like hOW DID YOU????? WH A T????
And Chan calls him and he not-so-subtly hints about how he’s been talking to you for way too long and everyone in line is complaining LOL
He regretfully looks at you and you nod sadly in understanding
“I’ll catch you later this week,” you say and he’s about to turn around when he stops and turns back
“Are we meeting for a study da-- sESSION?”
And you’re like what did you say--
“I said study session”
“.....I’m free Saturday”
“I’ll meet you at the library,” he gives you one last grin before winking and walking away and you’re like eXCUSE ME WHAT DOES THAT MEAN SIR
You shake your head but you can’t suppress the gigantic smile that your lips involuntarily make
You take the mug in your hands and you notice the latte art is a picture of a heart
And now you finally have a reason to pay attention in your literature class if you gotta tutor a potential college bf in your study da--session!!!!
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not-a-blog-blogs · 8 years ago
I ate pretty healthy today until I had a shit ton of cake and ice cream for my cousins bday So much Now my tummy feels like bursting and the worst part is I'm craving sugar so fucking bad right now ugh I want it Sugar is such a trigger for me yikes Now I just wanna consume but good thing I don't really have anything sweet to binge on anymore I guess,,, Now I'm just trying to ride out this craving and move on I suppose but damn if it isn't hard It's really easy to justify in my head that I messed up and ate too much and hey, tomorrow is a new day but Also I could just stop right now But it would be easy for me to just let go for tonight, so easy I really shouldn't But also there's a packet of maple and brown sugar oatmeal calling me and I'm thinking about it I've already had so much oatmeal today and really, what would it help to eat More? I don't need it. It's just needless calories and it'll only support the binging cycle I'm in I could make it a 2 day no binge streak if I just go brush my teeth now I really should I definitely should I'm using this messed up diary thing to try and reason myself out of the oatmeal I'm having a craving, it's just a craving and I don't need to give in I don't need to be a slave to food anymore. I'm not an animal that just eats and eats and eats I have the will power to stop The cake was good anyways, the oatmeal wouldn't be better or anything so it really isn't worth it I'm gonna pop some melatonin and try not to give in but damn I sure as fuck wanna give in It's 9:24 I'm gonna try delaying the binge another five minutes at least Maybe if I still wanna binge in 5 I will Or maybe I'll delay it another five minutes At least I'm acknowledging my craving right? This was brought on by sugar but I think I have a lot of other bad feelings right now that make it easy to want to eat. I'm still lonely and a little depressed. I was supposed to hang out with someone but they cancelled. I don't even have work in the morning. I'll still be lonely and bored after I finish eating. Eating is a temporary crutch. It won't help the real feelings I'm trying to avoid. It's just needless calories. I'm not hungry. I'm stronger than my cravings. My stomach aches from my dinner portion. I ate a shit ton of veggies and rice which isn't good, but not absolutely awful either. It's better and I suppose that's all I can hope for. If I try I can replace the feeling of wanting to eat with something else. Maybe sleep or arousal or some shit. Last night talking about sex with a friend really helped to replace the hunger feels. I don't know why but I guess those two things just don't go together in my head. My mouth is dry and the taste of sugar is still in it, but at least I'm not salivating at the thought of food at the moment. I'm pretty tired and I have to pee. Maybe tomorrow night I can finally get fucking laid for once. It's about time really. I mean, I've had sex recently but I could almost always go for more. My movie date tomorrow night (with the 3rd different guy I made plans with this weekend rip) is kinda hot. He's a dork and such a genuinely good person that it's weird to me, but he's good in bed and I guess that's what I care about really. That's all I want for the time being I think. We won't ever be anything more than friends with benefits because I'm needy and don't see him meeting those needs. Which is sad but true. Sex and occasional banter is more than enough for me at the moment. I love the days we work together (which is becoming pretty rare) because of how flirty he gets. I love when he says dumb stuff like "yup, it's definitely just those pants that are distracting me right now and not the way your butt looks in them, just the pants; let's go with that" Like wow what a giant dork I like him, but he's younger than me. And as mature as he is for his age I just don't think we're quite at the same level. Then again, I'm only mature because I have to be, not because I want to be. I had to grow up fast. I'm still a kid at heart. I want adventure and fun and junk like that. I'm not ready to dedicate my whole life to any one thing. I guess I never truly have to dedicate my life to any one thing, but I'll damned if that's not what getting a job feels like. And school is scary, what if I get a degree in a field I don't end up liking? It's strange how I even came to remembering my fear of the future. I didn't think that was what's weighing me down and urging me to stress eat, but perhaps it is. Or perhaps, more likely, it's just a combination of all the things I'm feeling above. The oatmeal is still lingering in my mind. I can hear my cousins upstairs playing and having fun and most definitely not eating. Because we just ate and they're done and that's that. They don't have to binge. I don't have to either, it's just a dumb want, a vicious cycle of self deprication and attempt at controlling myself. I can control myself, I can manage these sugar cravings, it just isn't easy. And damned if I don't tend to take the easy way out. But I don't have to here, not this time. It's 9:46 now and I've practically wrote a novel on my feelings. I'm feeling much better craving wise but I still have thoughts dancing around my head. I need to pee but I have to walk through the kitchen to get to the bathroom (which is part of the problem I do believe) and I'm afraid I'll attack that oatmeal on my way so I'm trying my best not to get up. Ugh, I really rode out this craving as best I could. I've been delaying the binge well. Now I just want to go to bed. I really must get up. Wish me luck. I'm going in. Hopefully I'll report back tomorrow and be able to say i made it. A 3 day streak of no binging? It's been a while since I could say that. I'd like to be able to say that. Wouldn't anyone? I'm not trying to go a whole month or week yet, just one more night. Baby steps. It's doable. Besides, I'm not saying no to any food or anything like that, I'm saying no to the act of mindlessly indulging. This is a step towards a healthier relationship with food. I'm stalling getting up so I don't go for food. Can you tell? God, I'm so tired.
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